Engineer holding a yellow helmet on coal mining site

The TOTALcapture (TC) system was designed as an alternative to large MES Fleet Management Systems and provides a decision support system which passes minimal key equipment production and location data captured by the onboard devices back to a cloud-based server. The advantages of the TC system include:

  • Low cost entry into automated electronic data capture
  • Many supported OEM interfaces for digital inputs
  • Minimal operator interaction and inputs
  • Low cost Cloud solution reduces IS&T footprint
  • Near real time data collection
  • Informative production monitoring and dashboard summaries
  • Reports available on multiple devices (I-phone, tablet, laptop)
  • Removes human error elements

TC provides tools for:

Productivity (load and haul)

  • Short interval control – track actual to plan for the day
  • Monitor haul cycles, loading equipment queuing and other operational delays
  • Monitor payloads
  • Availability and Utilisation


  • Pre-start results and notifications to Supervisors and Reliability engineers
  • Monitor key operator behaviours such as speeding, seatbelts, inclinometer


  • Drilldown reports – defaults to the current shift snapshot of key KPI’s
  • Pre-start reports – a view of any reported faults or issues with equipment
  • Quarry/Site Managers reports – can drill down further by site sourcing historical data for a given data range.  This will provide the ability to look back on a week or a month’s worth of data to ascertain why something has happened
  • Daily reports – daily reports are sent automatically for the previous days total production statistics, pre-starts and defects

Fuel Monitoring (FLO)

  • Fuel burn KPI allows users to trend on refuelling and measure fuel burn consumption rates.
  • The data can be used in conjunction with engine idling time which can also contribute to higher fuel burn rates.
  • Reliability engineers can evaluate options of engine additives

Trip Player

  • Replay trip files for an asset, allowing the user to view the path taken by a particular operator or asset.
  • Look back on speeding events or collisions
  • Assist OH&S personnel with safety investigations
  • Alerts can also be sent if an asset leaves site or enters a predefined no-go zone

Asset Timeline

  • The asset timeline provides an in-depth view into an assets activities for a selected day or date range.